AP Physics 1 Projects
The assignment was to make something related to physics.
Examples of project topics from previous years were:
End of year physics Projects
Examples of project topics from previous years were:
- Make a movie explaining the bad physics or good physics in the movie.
- Record video of a poem or song about physics.
- Make a playlist of songs that are about a topic in physics. Explain the relationship between the songs and physics.
- Make a movie about physics.
- Make a website about physics.
- Make a powerpoint, poster, or presentation about physics.
- Build a demonstration of a concept of physics and explain it.
- Explain physics in someway, somehow for something of interest.
End of year physics Projects
- Your job will be to make a presentation lasting at least 7-minutes but not more than 10-minutes on something that is of interest to you in your life that explains how physics relates to it.
- You can do this by making a short movie, writing a original song or poem or create a piece of art, you could make a powerpoint, a prezi, a website, you can make a demo of the physics, you can do a lecture, if you have an idea that is not listed here talk to McChesney to get approval.
- You will be graded on how you dress for your presentation, how well you present the topic to the audience (did you face the audience, did you know your topic or read from slide or note card the majority of the time, were you audible and clear in your presentation), do your materials look like they have been prepared and chwecked for mistakes
- Your topic will need to be different from other student’s topics.
- If you make an original song or rap then the length of time for the presentation may be shorter with teacher approval. You will need to explain how the song explains a topic in physics.
- Make sure you explain how physics relates to the topic you have chosen for this presentation.
- You will have to make a video of a practice of the presentation that will be due 1 month before the presentation (April 15).
- Bring a new outlook on to this topic, if I can get the same information in a 5-10 minute Google search then you haven’t done enough work on the topic.
- These guidelines may change if some one tries to create a loophole or misconception on what was expected develops.